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7 min read

Leveraging AI to transform online content: A future-proof guide


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has simplified complex procedures. Now, with AI-powered solutions or tools, we can accomplish more in less time without compromising the quality.

While this technology has a huge potential to revolutionize nearly all sectors, marketers and content creators can make the most of it. There are many AI tools and software that can help you with your content creation tasks. 

In this article, we’ll talk about how to leverage AI technology to improve and accelerate your content creation efforts.

5 ways AI technology can help content creators

The use of AI technology can add a lot of convenience and productivity to your life, here’s how.

Simplifying repetitive & complex tasks

There are many tasks you need to carry out if you want to devise a solid content strategy. Conducting topic research is something most people find intimidating. You need to spend long hours analyzing different sets of data and studying competitors to come up with an effective content plan.

Failing to skip any aspect can ruin all your efforts. But when you have AI assistance, all of this can be done effortlessly and quickly. Since AI has advanced in recent years, you can lean on AI tools for many of those repetitive tasks.

Harnessing data for enhanced retention marketing strategies
Businesses are now using data-driven strategies to forge deeper connections, foster lasting engagement, and drive sustainable growth.

Google’s Gemini, Meta’s AI chat, OpenAI’s ChatGPT 4, and Microsoft’s Copilot can go through web results in real-time and provide you with accurate results. They’re well-equipped to conduct topic research and data analysis with the greatest efficiency. 

For example, if you need to create a content plan for a new blog, an AI tool can help you find all the relevant and trending topics, which you can cover gradually. You’ll always cover the right topic relevant to your niche, reducing your chances of going off-topic.

Plus, it’ll save you a lot of time, which you can spend on other important things. 

Speeding up content creation

It takes a lot of time and effort to produce quality content, as it often involves both textual and visual assets.

AI can greatly speed up this process. From creating comprehensive content outlines to generating long-form text and infographics, AI tools can act as key companions, here. And it helps that there are many platforms out there to choose from. 

Let’s explore some of the AI options you can use for content creation.

AI tools for creating textual content

The following are considered safe choices for producing textual content. You can use one or a combination to achieve desired results, depending on your requirements.


The free version can offer assistance in all types of writing tasks, which include producing outlines for your content, writing FAQs, generating long-form texts, and more. 

Google’s Gemini 

Since it’s from Google, you can expect some solid performances. Google says they’ve enhanced their chatbot’s capabilities to deliver more accurate results. It can offer assistance for many writing tasks.

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Perplexity AI 

This will help you find all the authentic stats and studies on any topic. Plus, you can also have it write both long and short-form content.

Jasper AI 

This tool has a wide range of writing templates. For example, if you’re writing a marketing copy, you can use its AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action) or PAS (Problem, Agitate, Solution) writing templates. A long-form article template would be ideal for writing a detailed blog post. 

AI Tools for Generating Images and Videos

The tools discussed below can help produce images and videos relevant to your topic. 


It has all-inclusive features for creating both videos and images. From creating images for social media posts to generating cover photos for blogs, Canva can do it all. Plus, you can utilize already-used templates to speed up the process. 

ChatGPT 4

The latest version of OpenAI’s chatbot can produce high-definition images relevant to your content needs. However, as with most AI solutions, you’ll need to provide a clear prompt for the best results.


This is another option you can consider for AI images. It’s free to use and allows users to generate up to 100 images per day (valid at the time of writing). 

There are many other tools you can explore yourself to take your content creation to the next level. The above tools can be a good starting point for using AI technology to perform regular tasks.

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Optimizing content

When we talk about content optimization. Many things come to our mind. We usually check and improve content for better clarity and readability, removing all possible writing mistakes. We also need to ensure that our content has all the relevant SEO keywords and phrases. 

Doing all of this manually can feel like a tough and unnerving task. By using AI-powered tools and software, you can accelerate this process. 

For example, an AI paraphraser can help add clarity and remove redundancy from your content. It offers wording examples to replace those that make your content vague or complex.

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AI summarizer can help add conciseness to your lengthy content. It can also offer assistance in extracting the key points from lengthy research or studies or crafting meta tags

Advanced chatbots like Gemini, Copilot, and ChatGPT can help add keywords and phrases to your content. This is key if you want to stay relevant and avoid being too promotional. 

Tailoring content to your target audience

This can be difficult and time-consuming as you need to thoroughly research your target audience. When your content isn’t aligned with the likes and dislikes of your audience, it’s unlikely to perform well. 

For a content creator or marketer working on diverse projects with varying audiences, it may be hard to tailor their content to the desired audience. This is where AI can help and take a weighty burden off your shoulders. 

AI tools can pull off these types of tasks in less time with great accuracy. They’ll automatically add the relevant wording and phrases, highlighting the pain points of your target audience. Your readers will love reading and sharing your content, which will ultimately help convert visitors into qualified leads.

Automating content posting

Due to a busy schedule, it can be tough to post regularly on different platforms at the right time while juggling your business-as-usual tasks. For example, if you’re attending a conference abroad and don’t have time to post, an AI tool can help you schedule. 

There are many AI tools that you can use to automate content posting. It’ll also help you get into the habit of regular posting, which is something both search engines and readers appreciate. 


From simplifying lengthy and repetitive tasks, speeding up content creation, and optimizing content to automating content posting, AI can help you with day-to-day and repetitive tasks with accuracy and efficiency. 

About the author

Olivia Mia, an experienced SEO specialist and skilled writer, is passionate about exploring new ideas in technology and business success. Olivia's articles and insights offer valuable views on the latest tech solutions for people, brands, and businesses, helping to build a community focused on tech innovation.

Want to learn more about the power of AI? 

Our free eBook will help you understand the potential of generative AI in driving revenue and optimizing your growth marketing efforts.

Inside, you’ll find actionable insights from a wealth of sources, including industry experts with extensive experience and knowledge in generative AI.

Take a look below at each chapter:
🧠 The fundamentals of revenue marketing

🤖 Understanding generative AI

🫂 Leveraging AI for audience segmentation and personalization
📖 Optimizing content creation and distributions

📈 Enhancing customer journey and conversion rates

🔎 Predictive analytics and forecasting
👀 Ethical considerations and best practices for gen AI in revenue marketing

✍️ Implementing generative AI in revenue marketing

Download your copy today to get started with proven techniques and cutting-edge strategies to inject high-octane AI into your marketing arsenal. 👇

Written by:

Olivia Mia

Olivia Mia

Olivia Mia, an experienced SEO specialist and skilled writer, is passionate about exploring new ideas in technology and business success.

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Leveraging AI to transform online content: A future-proof guide